The PMA is responsible for maintaining the development in a manner that protects the investment and amenity of the residents. The Policies and Procedures provide more details, but generally the PMA maintains the exterior (i.e. siding, roof, gutters) and mechanical systems (i.e. furnace, air conditioning, water softeners, smoke detectors).
If there’s a problem the normal first step is to contact a trustee who will then (1) determine if this is a PMA responsibility and (2) if so, coordinate with the appropriate vendor for the repair. If the problem is not a PMA responsibility the owner can contact any appropriate vendor. There is a list of our recommended vendors, the ones the PMA generally uses, and who are familiar with Park Meadows.
The trustees maintain a schedule of when routine maintenance (i.e. salt replacement) is needed and will contact owners prior to the vendor’s visit. They also keep a calendar for larger maintenance issues (i.e. reroofing) and use a combination of age and periodic inspections to see when these larger projects are done, often involving multiple adjacent units.