Water Softeners

Your water softener is maintained by AC Services with repairs and replacements paid for out of PMA funds. AC is currently installing North Star NSC30UD softeners. On the average they should last about 20 years and cost about $1700 to replace.

As part of our ongoing service, we’ve contracted with AC to deliver salt 3 – 4 times a year, with the costs passed on to owners. You can opt to supply your own salt, or to add salt between AC’s visits, or to call AC when salt is needed. HOWEVER, if the softener is damaged by using improper salt or allowing the salt to go empty or bridge, any repair or replacement costs will be borne by the owner. From the North Star manual:

Use clean water softener salts only, at least 99.5% pure NUGGET, PELLET or coarse SOLAR salts are recommended. Do not use rock, block, granulated, and ice cream making salts. They contain dirt and sediments, or mush and cake, and will create maintenance problems. For best results, North Star recommends Morton System Saver Pellets for use in this water softener.

The North Star NSC30UD manual:

And here’s a guide to salt, compliments of AC:

In Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387