The trustees and various other committees periodically submit reports that are of interest to the general ownership.
In the Trustee’s December 2022 meeting they voted to spend $4k on a “reserve study”. This followed a presentation by Marc and Carolyn on the justifications for this expense. Among those justifications was Ohio’s HOA reserve laws. Below is an explanation of this law from Kaman & Cusimano LLC, a law firm that specializes in Ohio/Kentucky HOA legal matters.
In June 2023 the trustees received the report from Liszkay Criterium Engineers. It is now posted under “finances” then “criterium” along with commentary and explanations.
Over 20 years ago the Association discovered it didn’t have enough money to maintain the homes as originally envisioned. The report below, from 2000, goes through their thought process, much like we continue to do up to today.
In 2005 the trustees discussed our situation with Harold Putnam, who was a fiscal officer. Here is their report from those conversations.
Following the 2015 “audit” the trustees putout some recommendations, many of which worked their way into the current 2021 Policies and Procedures document.